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A special diet for people with blood type AB, with a weight loss system

 A special diet for people with blood type AB, with a weight loss system

Blood type "AB"


It is the newest blood group... and this group is the result of some mixing. Among the Caucasians who carry blood type “A” and the Mongolians who belong to blood group “B”. Only 5% of people carry this type. This type reflects the image of modern life in which we live, including its complexity and instability. This type is considered the result of a fusion between the two blood types. A is tolerant and blood type B is the most balanced. Note that each blood type inherited its genetic characteristics from the ancestors from the beginning of human life, a cell in our body, forever and ever, to bequeath it to our children and grandchildren.

Characteristics of people with the “AB” blood type:

• They have the ability to adapt well to changing environmental and nutritional conditions. • Their digestive system is sensitive and they have Weak immunity. They get rid of psychological weakness with the help of spiritual exercises, sports and creative activities.• A modern mixture between blood types “A” and “B”.• Mysterious and a mystery in its characteristics and features. A rare type that no more than 2-5% of people carry. It is It is very complex from a biological standpoint, and we cannot easily resemble it with any other species.

The diet of type AB:

The multiple antigens of the species " AB", makes it sometimes lean towards the "A" group, and other times towards the "B" group, and it can also be a mixture of these two groups, so that we can liken it to a strange creature, half of which is one thing and the other half is something else. In general, foods that are harmful to the "AB" group are considered Type A or Type B is harmful to Type AB as well, with some exceptions. Panhemaglutinan (which is a lectin found in tomatoes is able to make the blood of all types clump. Type AB can tolerate it. People with Type AB are usually more powerful and active than those with Type AB). Type A people are lazy. Perhaps we can attribute the reason for this additional vital motivation to the genetic memory of type AB, which may have preserved the characteristics of its ancestors, whose extinction has not yet passed for a long time. These "B" ancestors were struggling to survive in the vast plains.

Are all types of meat compatible with those of the “AB” group?!

From the “A” and “B” groups, the AB group acquires some of the characteristics of Both of them are related to eating red meat and poultry meat: People with this type do not have enough stomach acids to digest animal proteins effectively, like people with type A, so we should provide it to them in small quantities, and without excess. Like people with blood type B, we do not Chicken is compatible with people with blood type AB because the lectins in it have a negative effect on the blood and digestive system, as we previously explained. As for smoked and processed meats, such as pastrami and sausage, they are not suitable for this type. Because it increases the chance of stomach cancer; As is the case with blood type A, people with type AB can obtain sources of animal proteins by eating types of meat that are beneficial for type B, which they carry part of the characteristics of; Any lamb, rabbit, and rooster meat; Instead of beef.

Very useful meat:

Lamb meat - rabbit meat - rooster meat - turkey.

Harmless meat:

Liver meat - pheasant meat.


Pastarami - red beef. Chicken - Goose - Duck. Hearts - Veal. Fish and marine animals. People with type “AB” can enjoy eating many types of fish and marine animals that are compatible with them; They are an excellent source of animal protein, and those with type A will find it difficult to digest the lectins found in plaice and flounder.

Very useful types of fish and marine animals

Salmon - tuna - sardines.• River carp - silver perch.• Cod - rainbow fish - marine snail. Yellow colored fish - mackerel.

Harmless types of fish and marine animals

• Abalone (shell) - shark - herring. Sea perch - catfish. White perch - river pike. • Snapper - yellow-tailed fish. • Swordfish - carp.


Anchovies - blue sea bass - eel. Caviar - barracuda. Oysters - oysters - clams. Ear clams - crab. Fresh herring. - Herring (pickled).• Prawns (shrimp) - lobster.• Crab - lobster.• Shrimp - plaice - flounder. Smoked salmon.• Striped bass - octopus. Haddock. Halibut oysters. Shrimp (lobster) - yellow tail fish.

What about dairy products for people with type “AB”?

People with type “AB” can adopt the recommendations of type “B” related to milk and its derivatives They benefit from milk and its derivatives, especially fermented types: such as fermented yogurt and fat-free sour cream. Because these types are easier to digest than others. On the other hand, they should pay attention to the main factor: excessive mucus secretions. They avoid many of these secretions, like the type AB. Regarding cholesterol, it is not foods that contain cholesterol, but rather saturated fats: (cream - full-fat milk - animal fats - full-fat cheeses...) They can increase their share of protein, and reduce the amount of cholesterol available in eggs, by using two egg whites for One yolk when they eat eggs (cholesterol is concentrated in the yolk and not in the white). Note that the harmful lectin found in chicken muscle is not present in eggs.

Very useful cheeses and milks:

• Farmer’s cheese (feta, halloumi, Akkawi) •Goat milk - goat cheese - ricotta cheese - local cheese. •Feta - mozzarella - yogurt - yoghurt.

Harmless cheeses and dairy products

• Milk protein - double cream cheese - cheddar cheese. • Muenster - Skim milk or 2% fat.• Soy cheese - soy milk.• Swiss cheese - whey.


• American cheese - whey.• Roquefort blue cheese - cheese flavored with fruits. Butter, whole milk - whole milk - ice cream.

What are the best types of oils for type “AB”?!

People with type “AB” should use olive oil instead of animal fats ( Butter, ghee) and hydrogenated fats; Or any other type of vegetable oil. Olive oil is a type of monounsaturated fat; It is believed that it contributes to lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, and they can also use in cooking small amounts of butter from which the water and solids have been removed, which is semi-liquid butter.

Useful oils and fats:

•Olive oil. •Harmless oils and fats. •Canola oil - flaxseed oil. •Cod liver oil - peanut oil.


• Corn oil - sesame oil (serge). • Safflower oil, cottonseed oil - sunflower oil.

What about nuts and seeds?

Regarding nuts and seeds, what is suitable for people with type “AB” is suitable for people with type “AB”. Eat these types, but in moderation and with caution. Nuts are a good source of proteins, but you should not eat them in excess. As for most seeds, they contain lectins that hinder the process of insulin secretion in people with type AB, as is the case with blood type B. Therefore, it should be avoided. On the other hand, type “AB” is similar to type “A” in its tendency to eat peanuts, which is an effective booster for the immune system. People with type “AB” tend to suffer from gallbladder problems; Therefore, it is better to eat nut butter than whole nuts.

Very useful nuts and seeds:

•Peanut oil •Abu Farwa - walnuts.

Harmless nuts and seeds:

•Almond butter - cashews. •Almonds - walnuts. Pistachios - pine nuts - Brazil nuts - lychee nuts.


• Hazelnuts - tahini. • Increase sunflower seeds - poppy seeds. Sesame - sunflower seeds. • Pumpkin seeds, other grains and legumes.

What are the most important recommendations for blood type “AB” with regard to grains and legumes?!

On the subject of other grains and legumes, people with type “AB” take Some recommendations are from the “A” group, and some are from the “B” group. Lentils, for example; It is an important food for fighting cancer in people with type “AB”, although people with type “B” are not advised to eat it. Lentils specifically contain antioxidants that fight cancer. On the other hand; Red kidney beans and green kidney beans are considered a food that suppresses insulin in type A, as well as in type AB.

Very useful grains and legumes:

Small-bean white beans - lupine. Red beans - soybeans - yellow lentils.

Harmless grains and legumes:

Beans - kidney-shaped broad beans. • Masalat beans. Brown lentils - pea pods that are eaten whole. • Masalat beans - white beans - green peas.


• Water-fermented soy beans. Green beans - chickpeas. Kidney beans in general. Green kidney beans - small white kidney beans with a black spot.

Is “type AB” different from the other two types with regard to grains?!

The special recommendations for type AB include the grains recommended for types “A” and “B.” These foods are generally compatible with those with this type, even wheat, but without excess, and small quantities of wheat and its products are sufficient, because the pulp of the wheat grain helps On the formation of acids in the tissues of people with type “AB”, and we are not talking here about stomach acids, but rather about the balance between acidity and alkalinity in muscle tissue. People with type “AB” are in the best condition when their muscle tissues tend to be alkaline. It is worth noting that wheat It makes the muscles of the “O” and “B” groups alkaline, while it makes the tissues themselves in the “AB” group sour. It is recommended for this group to eat sprouted wheat without excessive amounts, as well as for wheat bran (raddah). As for oat flour, soy flour, and ground rice, they are all beneficial. For people of this type. If people of this type suffer from excessive mucous fluids or obesity, in these two cases I advise them not to consume whole wheat and replace it with rice and soy flour.

Flour, rice, and pasta are very useful:

• Rice bran - flour. From which pasta is made.• Oat bran - puffed rice.• Wheat bread - sprouted wheat bread with raisins.• Rice toast - soy flour bread.• Oat flour - rice flour. Basmati rice - white rice - wild rice.

Harmless flour, rice and pasta:

Barley - a mixture of wheat and barley grains for breakfast - the seven grains. Protein-fortified bread - unleavened bread. Wheat bran - bulgur. Bread and cake made from durum wheat flour. Multigrain bread - Gluten-free bread.• Cake made from wheat bran.• Cake made from oat bran.• Whole wheat bread - couscous, slightly coarse whole wheat flour.• Durum wheat flour - white flour - flour gluten.


• Corn flakes - corn flour - Kamut (large grain wheat). • Dry cake made from corn flour. • Roasted buckwheat grains - barley flour


People with type “AB” benefit from a diet rich in rice more than pasta. Avoid corn and buckwheat, and replace them with oats. Limit your consumption of bran and wheat germ, and limit your consumption to once a week.

Are vegetables beneficial for those with blood type AB?

Fresh vegetables are an important source of phytochemical elements; These are substances found in foods that have a tonic effect on the body. Effective in preventing cancer and heart disease; These are diseases that affect the “A” and “AB” groups as a result of a weak immune system. They should eat vegetables several times a day. The “AB” type has a wide choice; most types of vegetables that are beneficial for the “A” or “B” groups are also beneficial for the “A” and “B” groups. The only exception is the lectin Panhemaglutionan found in tomatoes, which negatively affects all types. The blood characteristics of type “AB” are mixed, and this lectin is not harmful to this mixture in particular. It seems that tomato lectin does not have the same bad effect on type AB. Many people with type AB were subjected to the Indican scale test, and this lectin did not have any effect. Like people with type B, people with type AB should abstain from eating fresh corn. And products made from corn.

Very useful vegetables:

• Garlic, broccoli - parsley - French carrots - dandelion. Okra - beet leaves - eggplant. Sweet potatoes of all kinds - beets. Sprouted alfalfa (alfalfa, remaining, alfalfa).• Cauliflower - mustard leaves - celery.• Red salad cabbage. Cucumber.

Harmless vegetables:

• White cabbage, green cabbage.• Pumpkin - asparagus.• Red dandelion - caraway (leaves). Carrots - French parsley - fennel - mushrooms. Spinach - ginger - horse radish - okra. Squash and zucchini of all kinds. Green olives - leeks - Greek olives (Kalamata). Rhubarb - Spanish olives - tomatoes - turnips - red onions. - Yellow onions. Multi-type salad lettuce - Potatoes - Green onions. Fern - Spiral fern - Andalusian leek. Radish - Seaweed - Caraway. Baby broccoli - Yellow turnips - Baby beans.


• Artichokes. Green peppers - Taro. Cayenne peppers - Avocados - Red peppers. Black olives. Green kidney beans. White corn - Yellow peppers. Yellow corn - Radishes - Sprouted young green beans - Sprouted radishes .

What are the best fruits for this species?!

Those with type AB inherited from type A most of the harmful and beneficial fruits for that type; Alkaline fruits such as: grapes, peaches, and berry fruits such as: raspberries and raspberries... help them achieve balance when they eat grains that make their muscle tissues tend to become acidic. Some types of tropical fruits harm the health of type “AB”, especially mango and guava. Pineapple fruit is excellent for facilitating Digestion in type AB. They should also avoid oranges, even if they are one of their favorite types of fruits. Oranges irritate the intestines of people with type AB and prevent the body from absorbing important mineral elements. As for bananas, they are annoying to the digestive process for people with type AB. I advise them to choose other fruits rich in potassium: such as apricots, figs, and some types of cantaloupe.

Very useful fruits:

• Cherries - dried figs - fresh figs. • Black grapes - green grapes - red grapes. • Grapefruit - kiwi - lemon sour. Pineapple - dark peaches - green peaches - red peaches. Banana - plum.

Harmless fruits:

•Apples - cantaloupe of all kinds - cantaloupe. Apricots - watermelon - strawberries - papaya. Dates - pears - honeycomb - dried plums - raisins.


• Coconut. Rhubarb - Persimmon. Pomegranate - Aloe Vera - Banana. Orange - Tangerine. • Guava - Mango.

What juice is suitable for this species?!

To clean the respiratory system of mucous secretions that accumulate during sleep, to get rid of toxic waste, and to facilitate the excretion process. People with blood type AB are advised to always start their day with a cup of lukewarm water mixed with lemon juice, or a cup of grapefruit or papaya juice diluted with water. People with type AB also benefit from very alkaline fruit juice, such as black cherry or grape juice. Cranberries or grapes...they are equivalent to the acidity of muscle tissue.

Very useful types of juice:

• Cabbage juice - carrot juice. • Grape juice - celery juice. • Water with lemon. • Papaya juice - black cherry juice.

Harmless types of juice:

• Apple juice. • Apricot juice - peach juice. • Cucumber juice - grapefruit juice. • Vegetable juice, the types included in the list of very useful vegetables.


• Orange juice. • Various other drinks.

Is it possible for this species to drink tea, coffee, and soda?!

It is okay to drink a cup or two of regular or non-fat coffee. Caffeine daily. It is recommended to drink a cup of coffee and the next time a cup of green tea so that people of this type can benefit maximum from these two drinks.

Very useful drinks:

• Regular coffee - decaffeinated coffee. Green tea.

Harmless drinks:

• Carbonated water (seltzer). Soda (soft drink with fruit juice).


• Cola - regular black tea. Diet soft drinks. Caffeine-free black tea - other soft drinks.

What are the benefits of medicinal herbs for blood type “AB”?!

Medicinal herbs are used with this type to stimulate the immune system and prevent heart disease. And arteries and cancer. Alfalfa herbs (alfalfa, clover, alfalfa), burdock (dove head), chamomile, and echinacea strengthen the immune system. While hawthorn and licorice are excellent for the health of the heart and arteries, green tea has a very positive effect on the immune system, and taraxacum herbs (dandelion) help Burdock roots and strawberry leaves help the body absorb iron and protect against anemia.

Very useful herbs and plants:

Green tea - strawberry leaves. Ginger - Licorice - Wild rose. Echinacea - Ginseng. Chamomile. Hawthorn - Burdock - Alfalfa (clover).

Harmless herbs and flowers:

Thyme - Catnip - Hawthorn. Chamomile - Raspberries - St. Valerian - white birch. Achillea (thousand-leafed) - peppermint.


Aloe (aloe vera) - hops (hops). - Rhubarb. The poem - Gentian - Al-Ahmad clover.

What is the position of people of the "AB" type on spices and flavorings?!

On the people of the "AB" type AB: To moderate their sodium consumption, replacing commercial salt with sea salt or brown seaweed, because their sodium content is low. As for brown seaweed, it has benefits that are very necessary for health, especially for the health of the heart and the immune system. It is also beneficial for those who lose weight. Type AB avoid all types of peppers and vinegar because they raise the acidity of the stomach and muscle tissue. They should replace vinegar with lemon juice, olive oil and herbs to season vegetables or salad. You should not hesitate to eat large amounts of garlic. It is a powerful tonic and natural antibiotic; Especially for type “AB”. You are allowed to eat chocolate and sugar. But in limited quantities; Consider these two types as a dessert, not a staple food.

Useful spices and seasonings:

•Curry - parsley. •Horse radish - garlic.

Harmless flavoring spices and seasonings:

• Soy sauce - spearmint, laurel - marjoram - tamari mint. • Molasses - tamarind. • Carob - mustard (dried). French parsley - doctor's nut. Thyme - green garlic - sweet red pepper.• Turmeric - chocolate - mint essence, peppermint. Vanilla - cinnamon, paprika.• Apple cider vinegar - cloves - rice syrup.• Coriander - rosemary - saffron.• Red grape vinegar - cumin - dill.


•Condiments (black pepper, white pepper. •Anise - red cayenne pepper - capers. White vinegar - cornstarch - corn syrup.